
Hannah Ma | The People United

2016 | 2017 | 2019

Stamping Dancerites:

… it takes a long maturing process to find each other. This succeeds after fantastical contributions in various occupations within the last image, when all of the dancers transform themselves into archaic exotic entities, wrapped in primitive straw costumes becoming beings of a past culture, drawing close in rhythmic impulsive tribal dances of massive, stamping energy and finally arriving in a harmonious dance, hand in hand. A utopia that may seem naïve at first sight, but loses its innocence due to the rigors of the execution and the powerful music … a remarkable testimony of cultural identity.
  Pedro Obiera, O-Ton Kulturmagazin, Düsseldorf

Wanderer between the worlds:

… Wanderer, a search for traces of home and rituals that transcend cultural boundaries. (…) Here they question dance as a social ritual that is increasingly being forgotten. (…) The nine scenes of virtuosic images portraythe balance between tenderness and brutality, between acrobatic performance and concentration right down to the last phalanx.The fulminating end is achieved by using straw elements and animal horns,costumes byEle Bleffert, creating apowerful symbiosis of the dancers into a mythical creature, which seems to have emerged from the legendary world of dark winter nights. The dance creates a parenthesisin which the members of the multicultural groupcan express their individual artistic imprints, but in which a common form can befound whichworks beyondlanguage barriers. The dance company thus creates on a small scale the world community far from thepolitical reality.
The audience … experience dancers in top form and a choreographer who lives up to her reputation as an ambitious and innovative artist. Long, long applause for an ensemble that will be spoken about.

Katrin Schug, Luxemburger Wort, Luxemburg




Hannah Mas work with The People United and the creation H.E.R.O.E.S were choosen to be published as part of „ Kunst in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft- Beiträge der Künste für das Zusammenleben in Vielfalt“- edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung and the German UNESCO commission



Production: hannahmadance (GER)/ HAN SúN Gathering ASBL (LU)

Coproduction: TUFA Tanz (GER), Theater Trier (DE), Theater Esch (LU)/,  Berenice Theaternetzwerk (gefördert durch INTERREG Va GR/ European Union)

Creation & Choreography: Hannah Ma

Sound design & Live Music: Sebastian Purfürst (LEM- Studios, Berlin)

Straw elements/ Masks: Ele Bleffert

Costumes/ Lighting / Stage Design: Hannah Ma

Choreographic Assistance/
Stage manager: Christin Braband

Dance/Co-Creation: „The People United“: Christin Braband (GER), Aifric Ni Chaoimh (IRL), Saeed Hani (SYR) , Sergio Mel (BRA) , Maher  Abdul Moaty (SYR) /  Youri de Gossem (BEL) ,  Valentina   Zappa  (IT),  Ileana Orofino  (It/ LU)

Technical Production: Thorsten Müller – TM- Eventservice

playing time: 65 minutes- no intermission



Touring information:

The People United asbl,
18, Route du Louvigny, Luxembourg (LU)




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